
Where Can I Learn to Spin?

To learn how to make a hand spindle from a CD and a dowel, click here. Many of us started with theses inexpensive hand spindles before acquiring a wheel.

For a list of spinning guilds in Northern California, click here

Where Can I Learn to Weave?

Not all weaving requires a modern style loom. For thousands of years weaving was done on simple looms made of sticks and other available materials. Backstrap looms, inkle looms, frame looms, card weaving all require a minimum investment. Consider visiting a local guild to learn more. For a list of Guilds in the Northern California click here.

Find gently used equipment for sale

As a service the Glenna Harris Weavers Guild lists equipment from weavers and spinners in Northern California that may need a new home. Contact information is provided. Interested parties may deal directly with the seller on price and arrangements. Items will be posted for a month or until sold, whichever comes first. Visit our Market page.

How-to Information

How to wash a fleece for spinning

Deb Robson, former editor of Spin-Off magazine and an undisputed sheep expert, has a three-part detailed, illustrated outline of washing fleece on her website.
Part 1Part 2Part 3.

Other articles of interest

Recreating clothes from the Iron Age

Annie McHale, inkle loom expert who has a nice business weaving guitar straps, has shared A Dozen Plain Weave Pattern Drafts on her blog. You may see it here.

We weavers with our simple hand-looms, by going back to the fine clear beauty of the ancient days, have thrown a bridge over the ugliness of the machine-made age just behind us. It is not a dead art we are reviving but a new and growing art that will flower into who can tell what wonderful new blossoming.
Mary Meigs Atwater 1961
One of the greatest and simplest tools for learning more and growing is doing more.